Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bhp billiton PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bhp billiton - PowerPoint Presentation Example Slide 3 - 5 Panda Pit, BPH Billiton Open Cut Mining, BHP Billiton Crushed product awaiting shipment, BHP Billiton Slide 6 Industry Analysis (Barrile, 2008) Macro-environment Analysis Political issues Operates in countries with different political systems Black Economic Empowerment legislation introduced labor inequalities legislation in South Africa where most of the mining operations are located BHP Billiton has to operate within a broad range of the political (and legal) systems. The global nature of their operations in countries such as Chile, Australia, China and the US means that it must mitigate its activities in light of varying political processes and legal systems. By way of example in South Africa, where the company has considerable mining operations, Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) legislation has been introduced to address inequalities created by past history, particularly the exclusion of black African people from participating in the country’s economy. ... The compliance costs and in some cases remedial costs could increase the group's operational costs which in turn could affect its operating margins (Datamonitor, 2011). Consequently, these regulatory mechanisms could adversely impact the cost, production and financial performance of the group's operations. Furthermore, the interplay of demand and supply, as in other markets, is the key to price setting in commodity markets. In turn higher commodity prices can substantially add to BHP Billiton’s earnings which was the case at the end of the 2007 financial year (Barrile, 2008). Slide 7 Industry Analysis Macro-environment Analysis Social issues Affected by health, safety, environmental and community related issues BHP Billiton is affected by a range of social factors including health, safety, environmental and community related issues. The company uses the term ‘sustainability development’ to implement a broad program of policies, processes and activities that aim to make the company more responsive to social and community needs in the conduct of its businesses. Sustainability development is considered in two dimensions-the ‘business’ and ‘sustainability’ dimensions that come together to produce a more stable and valuable whole. (Barrile, 2008) Technological issues Innovation through the activities of employees such as engineers and scientists facilitate growth Focus on existing and new technologies in exploration and process engineering Science and technology are crucial factors that will bring continued success to the industry. Technological innovation through the activities of employees such as engineers and scientists facilitates growth and improved financial performance. The company focuses on understanding future trends and

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