Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Analysis Of Booker T. Washington - 1476 Words

Booker T. Washington, in his autobiographical book Up From Slavery, recounts his formative experiences as a child and his work as an adult. Only 9 years old when the Civil War ended, Washington grew up during the Reconstruction Era. With African Americans able to attend school following Emancipation, Washington worked hard to get an education. Race relations of the era and the challenges African Americans faced would come to inspire Washington to pursue teaching and advocacy. He would come to establish the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute and would play an influential role as a public advocate. Washington held the opinion that African Americans would be best served by pursuing education, economic advancement, and by exercising†¦show more content†¦He had come to be a believer in the virtuousness of manual labor, effort, and merit. He believed that struggling to overcome obstacles through one’s own hard work helps a person develop a better character and that t he rewards of success would be all the sweeter. He suggests that industriousness, thrift, and building relationships with great people would be instructive and beneficial. He would come to teach these philosophies along with practical skills and then advocate for their broader incorporation as a means for African Americans to independently pull themselves up by their bootstraps and achieve greater social standing and better racial relations. From very humble beginnings, Washington then begins to establish the Tuskegee Institute. Washington incorporates a style of education that focused on the things which he believed would uplift the race. In addition to teaching literacy and basic pedagogy, the school teaches practical and vocational skills to ensure that students will have a needed skill set and an awareness of decorum upon graduation that will enable them to find economic security through the ability to provide a needed skill or service. Washington believed that these thingsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington1306 Words   |  6 Pagespopulation. In the later 1800’s, black empowerment was on the rise. As slavery cease to exist and the newly freed slaves were introduced to American Society, many were uncomfortable about how to strive in a world were they were constantly oppressed. Booker T. Washington, an educator at the time, believed the black Americans had to earn their way into society through e ducation and accept minor segregation if it meant in the future, they are fully integrated. W.E.B. DuBois, a scholar, however, believe theirRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington872 Words   |  4 PagesBooker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois were two of many very influential Black leaders in African American history. These men, though born over a decade a part, shared a common aspiration of obtaining equal rights and sought education for change on the behalf of Blacks. However, the philosophy in which these goals would be achieved differed greatly among the two. Booker T. Washington was born April 5, 1856 in Franklin County, Virginia. His mother was a slave which meant that he too wouldRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington1399 Words   |  6 Pages1a. Booker T. Washington had a very different social philosophy than most African Americans pursuing their freedom had during this era. This philosophy brought upon much tension and many tended not to agree with Washington’s ways of thinking. One of the people who disagreed with Washington was W.E.B. Du Bois. Both Washington and Dubois were essentially striving towards the same outcome, but they both had different approaches. Booker T. Washington argued that African Americans must educate themselvesRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington926 Words   |  4 Pagesto the readings, Booker T. Washington believed in the Industrial Education also called a Technical/Vocational Education for the Negros, and W.E.B DuBois believed in the Liberal Arts Education. Booker wrote and delivered th e speech The Atlanta Compromise in 1895. He was known for founding the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, now known as Tuskegee University in Alabama. The Institute grew immensely and focused on training African Americans in agricultural pursuits. Bookers’ statement the AtlantaRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington999 Words   |  4 Pageswhich had videos about Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. There were two African American men wanting to uplift the Black community, but sought two different ways of doing so. They both saw things from two different points of views. Booker T. Washington spoke as a southerner who grew up as a slave that experienced racism throughout his life. He advocated industrial/vocational education to give blacks a useful skill to make money and take of their families. Washington had attended Hampton UniversityRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington Essay1618 Words   |  7 PagesBooker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois 1) Who were these men? Provide a brief biography of both. Booker T. Washington was born, into slavery, on April 5th, 1856 in Hale’s Ford, Virginia. He was nine years old when his family was emancipated, and they moved to West Virginia. It wasn’t until after he moved that he began to receive an education. He eventually graduated from the Hampton Institute; he worked through the time he was in school in order to pay for his education. He went on to laterRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington1630 Words   |  7 PagesBooker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois were very important African American leaders in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They both felt that African Americans should not be treated unequally in education and civil rights. They had beliefs that education is crucial for the African American community where they stressed that educating African Americans would lead them into obtaining government positions, possibly resulting in social change. Washington andRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Booker T. Washington1047 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Booker T. Washington Success, through society’s critical eye, is typically defined by one’s occupation and annual income. This story of success takes the road less traveled; Jeannette Walls begins her story describing her motivation for writing it. Prompted by her mother’s urgings to no long live in shame of her past, Jeannette initiates her memoir by narrating what gaveRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington1747 Words   |  7 Pagesand how they helped better the lives of black Americans while also disclosing some of their more problematic notions. The impacts and contracts of Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois, Alexander Crummell, and Marcus Garvey on post-emancipation America are evident through the social and political progress of the United States. Booker T. Washington was a nationalist who supported gradualism and separatism. He was very conservative compared to others of his time, especially other black leadersRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington Essay1387 Words   |  6 Pagesstood out to me and impacted me the most is Booker T. Washington. Booker T. Washington is arguably the most famous African American Education Activist for his multiple contributions to giving African Americans the equal education rights in the United States as white people. He founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, or better known as Tuskegee University. Despite the racial inequality and segregation during his time, Booker T. Washington wanted to ensure that his fellow African American

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway - 1744 Words

â€Å"The Old Man and The Sea† by Ernest Hemingway is a story about an old man named Santiago who has to overcome many obstacles in his time at sea and in life (Hemingway). Despite being a fisherman, Santiago has not caught fish in 84 days and is faced by numerous dilemmas and shortcomings as things seem to always go wrong for him (Hemingway). This paper provides an analysis of the novel by interpreting it as a secular humanist epic. This paper hypothesizes that the character of Santiago is guided by secular principles and values which act as both a moral compass as well as societal fundamentals that are based on secular humanism. Therefore, â€Å"The Old Man and The Sea† is promoting these secular humanist values and principles by depicting how†¦show more content†¦There is no God who is transcendent above and beyond created reality†¦ The secular humanist presupposes that the only thing which can exist and have importance to mankind is that which is open to empirical verification and observation by man† (1). â€Å"The Old Man and The Sea† can be considered a secular humanist epic for various reasons. The themes covered by the story explore secular, human and everyday problems and issues. These include numerous subjects such as ageism, relationships/friendships, pride, perseverance, reputation in society, and so on. Each theme covered will be used to show that secular and humanist values are important for survival and prosperity in society. Firstly, the author indicates that despite his old age, Santiago’s perseverance sets him apart from others in society. The Council for Secular Humanism writes that â€Å"Secular humanism has provided an impetus for humans to solve their problems with intelligence and perseverance, to conquer geographic and social frontiers, and to extend the range of human exploration and adventure† (â€Å"A Secular Humanist Declaration†). This theme of perseverance is epitomized by Santiago’s battles with a large fish which he manages to capture. This is evident when the old man states that he will attempt to catch the fish even if it means risking his own life: â€Å"Fish, he said softly, aloud, I ll stay with you until I am dead.†Show MoreRelatedThe Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway1599 Words   |  7 PagesNew York, NY USA 10027 Dear Pulitzer Prize Judging Board: The Old Man and the Sea by American author, Ernest Hemingway deserved the Pulitzer Prize it received because of the author s use of craft elements, the realness of all of the characters and events, and the lasting themes that are relevant to the year it was written that were created by this realness, which in turn created a legacy. The first reason The Old Man and the Sea deserved its Pulitzer Prize is because of the author’s use of craftRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway1734 Words   |  7 Pages Ernest Hemingway was a man among men. He painted his life through written words. In his life Hemingway experienced events that would change him and shape the man that he was. Hemingway wrote about his time he spent in World War I in his first novel, The Sun Also Rises, and in his last novel, The Old Man and the Sea, he writes about his fishing exploits, both of which Hemingway experienced himself. By comparing these two works that he has written, a reader can perceive his linguistic style and theRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway1952 Words   |  8 Pagesinternal conflicts; there are many internal and external conflicts in the novella. One of the main conflicts is that Santiago couldn’t catch the marlin. This is resolved by Santiago eventually catching the fish thre e days after he returned back to sea after he had an eighty four day unsuccessful streak; this solution is believable because he was determined to catch the fish which he did. A secondary conflict in this novella was that Santiago began to talk to himself because Manolin is no longer withRead MoreThe Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway2056 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"The Old Man and The Sea† by Ernest Hemingway Plot Summary: â€Å"The Old Man and The Sea† relates the difficult life of an old Cuban fisherman that struggles in his profession for a long period of time until he catches the biggest fish in his life. The story begins presenting readers the fact that Santiago, the old fisherman, has been eighty-four days without catching a fish. This uncomfortable situation leads Manolin, a teenager who works with Santiago, to leave him under his father’s command.Read MoreThe Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway Essay589 Words   |  3 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway After reading this novel, The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway, I was confused about something the old man kept repeating. During the course of the book, the old man, Santiago, refers to having gone out to far to catch the fish. To me, this sounds as though he is making excuses for himself as to why he could not bring the fish in. On the other hand, he may have realized that he should not have gone out so far because it was not worth it forRead MoreAn Old Fisherman in The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway939 Words   |  4 Pages On July 21, 1899, Ernest Hemingway was born to Grace Hall-Hemingway and Clarence Edmonds Hemingway in Oak Park, Illinois. He started off his writing career in high school, when he was writing sports articles for the high school newspaper. From there, he moved on to writing for the Kansas City Star, where he learned to write in his unique short sentences, declarative, writing style. From journalism, Hemingway moved on to the military life an d met a nurse in Milan that was his inspiration for â€Å"ARead MoreErnest Hemingway s A Old Man And The Sea1588 Words   |  7 PagesErnest Hemingway, an Intense Macho Bullfighting Woodsman of an author, If you met him in person you would not beleive him when he told you he s an author. However Ernest Hemingway is a very accomplished author, well known as the Chronicler of the lost generation, and for his Pulitzer Prize winning Old Man and the Sea. Hemingway also was known for his collection of short stories, like In Another Country and The Snows of Kilimanjaro, as with many of his stories these two are set in 2 places he hasRead MoreErnest Hemingway s The Old Man And The Sea942 Words   |  4 PagesSome believe to live is to endure, and in Ernest Hemingway s The Old Man and the Sea This idea is explored in a simplistic style of writing called Iceberg Theory, a style unique to Hemingway. In this powerful, yet simple novel Ernest Hemingway eloquently portrays the hardships of the average man. Old Man and the Sea is based on an old man named Santiago and his battle with a giant Marlin in the middle of the sea. The old man s experience with the marlin is one of misfortune, pride, and accomplishmentRead MoreThe Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway Essay983 Words   |  4 PagesThe Old Man and the Sea There is a scene in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea, when after a shark has taken a big chunk about forty pounds off Santiago prize marlin catch, Santiago begin to doubt whether he should have gone out to sea and wishes that he had never hooked the fish and was alone in bed with his newspaper (103). Immediately after the Santiago says, â€Å"But man is not made for defeat a man can be destroyed but not defeated† (103). The life of Ernest Hemingway intertwines to theRead MoreRelationship Between The Old Man And The Sea And Ernest Hemingway1075 Words   |  5 Pagesthe author of The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway. Gertrude, an American novelist, poet, playwright and art collector, served as a mentor for Ernest. The novelist also served as a godmother to Ernest along with her companion, Alice B. Toklas. Ernest Hemingway used his experience with Gertrude in his 1952 book, The Old Man and The Sea. Santiago and Manolin share a relationship similar to Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. Throughout The Old Man and The Sea, Ernest Hemingway provides many details

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Oliver Twist Board Scene Essay Example For Students

Oliver Twist Board Scene Essay Oliver Twist is a novel written by Charles Dickens in the 1830s, Victorian times, it was so famous that even Queen Victoria herself read it. It tells the story of a boy named Oliver Twist, as it is suggested by the title. Many themes are covered, the most evident being poverty, throughout the novel the reader is shown what conditions certain people were in Victorian times. In this essay I will be concentrating on a certain part of the novel, the board scene in chapter two and three. I am focusing on this certain part of Oliver Twist as it shows the greatest examples of class division and wealth, which are the most important and main themes of the novel. Dickens uses characters to aid the readers understanding of the attitudes of life in that current time. Dickens extensive use of language and metaphors make for an interesting and occasionally comical read. The boardroom represents the difference in class and wealth and demonstrates to a high level the many problems of the time. I am, finally going to talk about Dickens use of language and images imposed by him. The board scenes are the main focus point of the essay and thus I will explain first the way in which the events unfold as to have a better understanding of the happenings. Oliver Twist is brought up in the workhouse and at the age of nine he is presented to the board; this is the first time he has heard of such a thing and is puzzled by it. After the harsh and stressful board scene Oliver is told that he must pick oakum as a new job and he is taken to a new workhouse, he is then underfed and treated with slow starvation. Because of the effects of this one night a boy tells the others what he might do if he was too hungry, Hinted darkly to his companions, that unless he had another basin per diem, he was afraid he might some night happen to eat the boy who slept next to him this shows the conditions they were in, they were so underfed that it even crossed their minds to eat others. It fell to Oliver to ask for more food the next day, he did as he promised, the master was insulted and astonished by this request and called the beadle immediately for him to be removed from the workhouse The master aimed a blow at Olivers head with the ladle, pinioned him in his arms, and shrieked aloud for the beadle. He is then sent in confinement and put on sale with a reward of five pounds for anyone that would take them off the hands of the parish. A chimney sweeper passes by the workhouse and notices the sign on the gate and thus, seeking an apprentice, speaks to the board and manages to strike a deal with them, but of course Oliver Twist must see him first and this is when the board scene unfolds. The first board scene is in Chapter two, whereupon Oliver meets the board for the first time, he has no idea of what the board is Not having a very clearly defined notion of what a live board was, Oliver was rather astounded by this intelligence, and was not quite sure whether he ought to laugh or cry. Dickens describes the boardroom excellently, A large whitewashed room where eight or ten fat gentlemen were sitting round a table. By reading this sentence one can quickly understand the great wealth of those inside the room, a large whitewashed room was only possible if you were rich as keeping it clean and owning it would cost a lot of money. A way in which Charles Dickens characterises, or better said stereotypes rich people, is that they are mostly fat representing wealth; poor people are depicted by Charles Dickens as skinny. .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 , .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .postImageUrl , .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 , .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319:hover , .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319:visited , .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319:active { border:0!important; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319:active , .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319 .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u31147c48a5b4905e6b04f86f1568d319:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Maggie In act 1 of Hobson's choice EssayThe boardroom is extremely unappealing to a nine year old, as it has nothing to grab the childs attention to seek comfort within. The gentlemen ask Oliver direct and stern questions without seeking to comfort him in any way, they also used advanced language for a child of his age and expect him to know the meaning of them, even though he hasnt had an education, and call him a fool if he does not listen to me. You know you re an orphan, I suppose? Whats that, sir? inquired poor Oliver. The boy is a fool I thought he was,' The second board scene is quite similar to the first. As I mentioned before after Oliver commits his crime he is placed in a dark room for some time and then called to the board as a chimney sweep wishes to make him his apprentice. This board scene is not much different to the first as Mr. Bumble tries to influence Oliver to do his bidding once again. He is placed before the board but none seem to present much interest for him, or even completely disregard him, this shows the little interest there was for those of lower class such as Oliver Mr Limbkins was standing in front of the desk on one side, and Mr Gamfield, with a partially washed face, on the other; while two or three bluff-looking men, in top-boots, were longing about. The old gentlemen with the spectacles gradually dozed off The old gentleman after confirming with Mr. Bumble that Oliver wishes to be apprenticed to a chimney sweep, looks for his ink pot and whilst looking for it crosses his gaze towards Oliver It was the critical moment of Olivers fate. This again shows how little influence poor people had as only by luck or fate they may be given a chance to change the events being decided for them his gaze encountered the pale and terrified face of Oliver Twist. Oliver was fortunate enough to be saved by this kind gentlemen, this also shows that Charles Dickens is not completely stereotypical and shows that there are rich people that are kind enough to spare a child from a terrible fate. Dickens creates many different types of characters to explain the different classes and beliefs at the time. The names for the characters are reflections of who they are and their position in society. Mrs. Mann implies a very manly character, which you would not expect from a woman. Mr. Bumble implies a very comical, fat and clumsy character, as Mr. Bumble is. Mr. Gamfield, the chimneysweeper has a name, which implies fields and thus farmer insinuating a low class job; these are all flat characters. The fat gentlemen are extremely hypocritical, insensitive and frugal. I hope you say your prayers every night, said another gentleman in a gruff voice; and pray for the people who feed you, and take care of you like a Christian. Another interesting character which Dickens cleverly names the gentleman in the white waistcoat as such, as he is wearing a white item of clothing you would expect kindness from him but it is not so as he his much harsher than the other characters and always insists that Oliver is a fool and will be hanged I never was more convinced of anything I my life, said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. Oliver Twist is the complete innocence of the novel; he rarely talks and is treated like dirt by the higher classes because of his poverty. His name is also quite a dark joke by Dickens, Oliver Twist, insinuates something funny but in this case implies someones life with a bit of a twist, a very bad one. Dickenss use of language is excellent and compelling, and at times even comical. He uses a lot of sarcasm especially when talking about the rich people; he calls them gentlemen even when they are starving children to death. .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 , .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .postImageUrl , .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 , .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73:hover , .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73:visited , .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73:active { border:0!important; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73:active , .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73 .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue65b00fb86f3055d7e877eeb26a3cd73:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Jewel Walker: body talk EssayCharles Dickens uses exaggeration a lot and uses it in combination with irony to create compelling descriptions he gave his jaw a sharp wrench, by way of gentle reminder that he was not his own master. Dickens also changes the way certain characters speak to each other; Mr. Bumble speaks with utmost respect to the gentlemen but treats Oliver worse than an animal Now, Oliver, my dear in a low voice Mind what I told you, you young rascal'. Mr. Bumble shows attitude of deceit and a fake  ade when it best suits him. The board scenes in chapter two and three are excellent examples of the hardship that the lower class had to endure at the time. Dickens uses compelling vocabulary but sometimes uses quite satire humour. Poverty is reflected greatly in these two chapters and demonstrates that if you were poor at the time you had no choice over your future decisions. I believe the novel has become a great cultural part of England and I think it encouraged the reform into a more civilised world.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tragic Night Essays - Federal Bureau Of Investigation,

Tragic Night A Tragic Night The dark sedan pulled quietly in front of a comfortable family home located in the Broncs. The brick residence stood silent and dark in the early hours of the morning, looking much like the rest of the houses in the neighborhood. However, inside this house lay the prosecution's sole witness in the most important case in the history of the state. Without him, the trial could not go to court. His life was in danger. Federal agent Michael Black stepped from the car with two colleagues and the three men made their way carefully and quietly to the boy's bedroom window. Agent Black stood watch with his pistol drawn and ready. The FBI didn't normally do this sort of thing, but in this case there was no other choice. His colleagues quickly snatched the sleeping boy from his bed, covering his mouth, and threw him into the waiting car. Agent Black briskly hopped into the driver's seat and eased the car off down the road. The boy, Richard Thompson had witnessed what was turning out to be the most important case in the state's history, and after the FBI had uncovered the Mafia link they were left with no choice but to take Richard into safety. They presumed that the Mafia was watching every move made by the boy and his family, and the FBI could not risk telling the boy's mother or any other family members. Richard sat in the backseat, squeezed between two agents. He was confused, still half asleep and luckily, very quiet. The dark car turned off the freeway and drove carefully down what seemed to bean unused dirt road. They were taking him to an FBI safe house, to reduce the risk of him being found. As the car turned a corner and picked up speed, a single shot was fired. The gunshot rang throughout the trees. Agent Black looked in the back only to see that the agent on the left side was leaning on Richard, and the other agent was frantically trying to move the body. He had no idea what to do, but he knew that he couldn't take the boy to the safe house. He suddenly stepped on the gas and spun the wheel. The car turned a full 180 degrees as he continued to accelerate. The car raced past the spot where the first shot was fired. Instantly, another shot was fired hitting the second agent in the face, automatically killing him. Once back on the freeway, Agent Black picked up his mobile phone and rang his boss. We've got a leak. He spat out quickly, Shots were fire and John and Ralph are dead, but the kid's still alive. I've got to get him somewhere safe fast. OK, OK. Where are you taking him? his boss asked. I don't want to say. Your phone could be bugged. Ring me back from a pay-phon e. Then he promptly hung up. After losing the car that was trailing him, he turned slowly off the freeway and made his way quietly down a suburban street. He parked outside an old weatherboard house and carried Richard around the back. He forced open an old wooden door and carried the boy down the stairs to the basement. His mobile rang. Mike. That you? It was the boss. Yep. I've got the kid and I'm at my parent's house. What! It's not safe! The boss said angrily. He trusted Mike, but Richard was a very important witness. Don't worry. I'm in the basement. They wont even know I'm here. Agent Black was calm now and had time to think. OK, but keep it that way. The boss said reluctantly. We need the kid. No witness, no trial, you know the story. Get some sleep and I'll come down tomorrow in person. Sunlight shined in through the vents along the east wall as Agent Black woke to answer the door. He was still dressed, but had been sleeping and was not fully alert. He opened the door and yawned. Before he had even closed his mouth, the assassin shot the silenced pistol, putting a neat hole through his head. The assassin then stepped over the body

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pornography1 essays

Pornography1 essays A First Amendment Junkie Censoring pornography is wrong. Pornography should not be censored just be cause some people find it offensive. I cannot recall the last time someone made me look at a pornographic picture, or made me buy a pornographic magazine or movie. If you do not agree with the material then do not buy it. The people that enjoy these types of pictures do it on their on free will. No one makes them and to take this decision away is taking their freedom away and is going against everything the first amendment stands for. A large majority of Americans sometime in their life have enjoyed seeing someone naked or have desired to see that person naked. To many feminists this is pornography. Nudity is indeed an art and like most art it is one persons expression of their ideas. To take a persons ideas away from them is wrong and should not be allowed. The first amendment is about ensuring the people some authority and meaning in this government and by taking that away we are slaves to the United States. All of the problems with Kiddie Porn and children viewing pornography would virtually cease if parents would play a more active role in their childrens lives and not let the t.v. or the computer be the babysitter. It is like Jacoby said in her essay My friends tell me I dont know how it is because I dont have children. True, but I do have parents. It was her parents job to monitor what she saw and not the governments or anyone elses. The first amendment sets forth several right given to the American people. These rights are what give the people some dignity and place in society. If we take this away from ourselves, we are just hurting each other, Whether it concerns pornography, protests, or any of the like. Jacobys essay was well thought out and was simple to read. All of her points were supported with good fac ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Maximize Your Networking Success with LinkedIns Latest Updates

Maximize Your Networking Success with LinkedIns Latest Updates A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog about the latest LinkedIn updates in the graphics and media realm, including the new inclusion of GIFs. There have also been many to LinkedIns networking tools, including SEO analytics, ease of job referrals, and LinkedIn Group functions (it seems the rumors that Groups were going to be eliminated were just rumors). Here’s the run-down of LinkedIn updates to help you with your networking success in LinkedIn: SEO (Keywords) Identify How People are Finding You Have you wanted to know what search terms other members use to find your profile? Or did you think you needed a Premium subscription to be privy to that information? Well, look no further than your profile page, where you can scroll down to your dashboard and click on Search appearances. At the bottom of the page, youll see a section called Keywords your searchers used. This list shows the top keywords members were searching when they found and clicked on your profile in the past week. Keep in mind that most of the people who viewed your profile may not have been looking for your particular expertise, but LinkedIn’s algorithm landed you into their search results. Also look here to find out the most common professions of people viewing your profile: If you’re not happy with the breakdown you see, it might be time to adjust your keywords! Networking Private Comments @Mentions With the latest LinkedIn updates, you can now reply privately to comments using the three dots dropdown: If you want to comment on an article or update and don’t want the world to see it, use this option. Plus, LinkedIn has finally gotten with the program and implemented @mentions. To tag someone in a comment or post, use the @ symbol to get a list of potential people to mention – including people not in your network! When they see the mention, they will likely respond to your post. The people you mention will receive notification and an email letting them know you’ve mentioned them. If you get mentioned and you don’t want the publicity, you can remove the mention. See Removing a Mention of Yourself. You can also control your settings to prevent mentions. Job Search Referral Requests Are you a job seeker? You can now easily ask for a referral from connections at a company youd like to work for. Heres how: Go to the Jobs tab and locate a job opening that interests you and also lists connections: Once on the positions page, click Ask for a referral. Select a connection you know well and click Message. LinkedIn offers a ready-made message, or you can draft your own. The more personal, the better. I highly recommend that you use this feature, since 85% of jobs are found through networking! What a goldmine! Control Your Real-Time Messaging LinkedIn messaging has evolved over the last few months with the inclusion of the active status and smart reply messages. (For more on these features, read my December 2017 article on last years round of LinkedIn changes). You might like having others know you’re available to chat. If you prefer to do business incognito, theres a way to turn off the typing indicators: First, go to your Settings Privacy. Under the Communications tab, scroll down to Read receipts and typing indicators and turn the switch to Off. You’ll notice these On-Off toggle switches in other items in Settings Privacy as well. I encourage you to go through every section of your privacy settings to make sure they are set the way you want them! Groups Receiving Group Notifications You can now choose to include activity from your group posts in your Notifications, such as likes, comments, and @mentions, as well as group invitations. To control your notifications, visit the Communications tab in  Settings Privacy and review your Notifications on LinkedIn. Sending Group Announcements If youre currently a group owner, you may have notice that LinkedIn has changed the way you can send announcements to your members. You used to be able to go to the groups manage page and send the announcement from there. That link has disappeared. To send a group announcement now, go to the groups home page and click on Start a conversation with your group. Youll then youll see an option to Send an announcement. Enter the subject and details of your message, including images, and post. I recommend the â€Å"Send   Test Announcement† option so you can see what the message will look like in your members inboxes. Note that you are limited to sending only one announcement every 7 days. With all of LinkedIn’s updates, it takes a lot to remain a savvy user. I’m committed to give you the updates you need to keep on top of your KILLER LinkedIn profile and to optimize your activities on LinkedIn. Have questions? Ask and your question could be featured in a future article! To get the latest from my blog on LinkedIn topics like this, sign up for my LinkedIn Professional Writing e-list, and if you are interested in working with me on your LinkedIn profile or other strategies, you might like to start with my  20-minute live LinkedIn profile review.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ted Kaczynski Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ted Kaczynski - Essay Example The terrorist acts committed by the terrorist known as the Unabomber were exclusively bombs that were very specifically targeted. The bombs were delivered in the form of letters or packages that were designed to detonate upon opening. His targets usually had some connection to technology, and many of them were connected to a university. The Unabomber is blamed for 16 separate incidents that spanned 17 years and included three fatalities. The Unabomber's knowledge of technology, and his activity as a loner, made his identification and capture more difficult. In fact, he was not identified until the FBI gained the cooperation of his brother David Kaczynski (Chase, 2003, p.21). Kaczynski had been a child that was prone to violence, and refused to play with other children, and had significant mental disorders prior to arriving at Harvard. He had an exceptional IQ and was accepted at Harvard at the age of sixteen. At Harvard he was introduced to radical ideas about the evils of technology, the dualistic nature of good and evil, and a belief that he "could find absolute truth through the application of his own reason" (Chase, 2003, p.19). In addition, he would be introduced to radical thinkers and philosophers that would help him focus on his fantasies of revenge. He was also the subject of a lengthy, and controversial, psychological experiment, which may have exacerbated Kaczynski's emotional problems. A psychological experiment by Henry A. Murray tested Kaczynski's psychological response while subjected to extreme stress and abuse. While little is known about the depth of these experiments, Chase (2003) feels that it may have contributed to Kaczynski's ment al problems. 4.) What are the views of Jacques Ellul and how did they influence Kaczynski Jacques Ellul was a French protestant philosopher and lay theologian that had written a book titled The Technological Society (Chase, 2003, p.92). Ellul was a Luddite, who believed that technology was evil and that citizens should actively attempt to eliminate it from society. Kaczynski regularly communicated with Ellul and would adopt several ideas from Ellul's book. He would later incorporate several of Ellul's radical concepts into the Unabomber Manifesto. The Technological Society advocated the "efficacy of revolution" and that "technology and the state were coeval and mutually dependent" (Chase, 2003, p.92-93). While Ellul would renounce much of The Technological Society in his later writings, Kaczynski would cling to them until the end. 5.) Summarize Kaczynski's time as a UC Berkeley professor To what degree did Kaczynski identify with the political leftists on campus Why did Kaczynski leave his position at Berkeley In 1967, Kaczynski joined the faculty at UC Berkeley and at about the same time he became more alienated and isolated. It was during this period that he moved to the Northwest, fled academia, and began building

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bhp billiton PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bhp billiton - PowerPoint Presentation Example Slide 3 - 5 Panda Pit, BPH Billiton Open Cut Mining, BHP Billiton Crushed product awaiting shipment, BHP Billiton Slide 6 Industry Analysis (Barrile, 2008) Macro-environment Analysis Political issues Operates in countries with different political systems Black Economic Empowerment legislation introduced labor inequalities legislation in South Africa where most of the mining operations are located BHP Billiton has to operate within a broad range of the political (and legal) systems. The global nature of their operations in countries such as Chile, Australia, China and the US means that it must mitigate its activities in light of varying political processes and legal systems. By way of example in South Africa, where the company has considerable mining operations, Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) legislation has been introduced to address inequalities created by past history, particularly the exclusion of black African people from participating in the country’s economy. ... The compliance costs and in some cases remedial costs could increase the group's operational costs which in turn could affect its operating margins (Datamonitor, 2011). Consequently, these regulatory mechanisms could adversely impact the cost, production and financial performance of the group's operations. Furthermore, the interplay of demand and supply, as in other markets, is the key to price setting in commodity markets. In turn higher commodity prices can substantially add to BHP Billiton’s earnings which was the case at the end of the 2007 financial year (Barrile, 2008). Slide 7 Industry Analysis Macro-environment Analysis Social issues Affected by health, safety, environmental and community related issues BHP Billiton is affected by a range of social factors including health, safety, environmental and community related issues. The company uses the term ‘sustainability development’ to implement a broad program of policies, processes and activities that aim to make the company more responsive to social and community needs in the conduct of its businesses. Sustainability development is considered in two dimensions-the ‘business’ and ‘sustainability’ dimensions that come together to produce a more stable and valuable whole. (Barrile, 2008) Technological issues Innovation through the activities of employees such as engineers and scientists facilitate growth Focus on existing and new technologies in exploration and process engineering Science and technology are crucial factors that will bring continued success to the industry. Technological innovation through the activities of employees such as engineers and scientists facilitates growth and improved financial performance. The company focuses on understanding future trends and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Charles Dickens presentation Essay Example for Free

Charles Dickens presentation Essay Do you feel that Charles Dickens presentation of Joe Gargery makes him seem on balance a foolish person or someone worthy of our respect? In Great Expectations, Joe Gargery comes into the novel many times. Sometimes he is portrayed as a very foolish person but other times he actually is quite clever and worthy of our respect. At the beginning of the novel, he seems foolish in the sense that he is a very simple man and does nothing to hide it. When Pip is reading him a letter, Joe remarks Why, heres a J, said Joe, and a O equal to anythink! Heres a J and a O, Pip, and a J-O, Joe. Pip carries on by saying I had never heard Joe read aloud to any great extent than this monosyllable, and I had observed at church last Sunday when I accidentally held our Prayer-Book upside down, that it seemed to suit his convenience quite as well as if it had been all right. There are many more examples of his foolishness but there is one important point that must be included to understand why Joe puts up with Mrs Joes nagging the whole time. He tells Pip about how his father beat his mother and him constantly: and he hammered at me with such a wigour only to be equalled by the wigour with which he didnt hammer at his anwil. Youre a listening and understanding, Pip? He then reveals that Mrs Joe doesnt like scholarly people in her house And she aint over partial to having scholars on the premises Joe continued, and in partickler would not be over partial to my being a scholar, for fear as I might rise. Like a sort of rebel, dont you see? In this there is a clear sign that Joe doesnt want any disharmony in his house and he doesnt want to treat his wife like his dad treated his mum. So for this reason he puts up with Mrs Joe knocking his head for a little while against the wall behind him when he steps out of line. For this reason, it seems we must respect him as someone who learns not from his mistakes, but other peoples. There are times in the novel, where Joe seems to be acting really stupidly but is in fact being proud. The first time this crops up is when Joe and Pip go to Satis House to talk to Miss Havisham. Joe, to Pips embarrassment, refuses to talk to Pip as though Miss Havisham is not there Pip, returned Joe, cutting me short as if he was hurt, which I meantersay that were not a question requiring a answer betwixt yourself and me, and which you know the answer to be full well No. You know it to be No, Pip, and wherefore should I say it? Miss Havisham has just asked Joe a question and it is strange that he addresses Pip instead. Pip after becoming a gentleman, is very snobbish and looks down on Joe. For this reason Joe tries to act very upper class and tries not to embarrass Pip in front of his friends. Since you are so kind as make chice of coffee, I will not run contrairy to your own opinions. He calls Pip Sir many times and at one point Pip says Joe, I interrupted, pettishly, how can you call me Sir? However even after this scene which Joe looks foolish, he actually regains his dignity; Joe looked at me for a single instant with something faintly like reproach. Utterly preposterous as his cravat was, and as his collars were, I was conscious of a sort of dignity in the look. Here we have two contrasting statements. Pip tells us that Joe looks extremely foolish in his cravat and collar but under the foolishness is someone who is extremely dignified. Not many people are like that especially when their son, has just rebuked them for addressing them wrongly. The next time Joes dignity really shines through is when he leaves Pip on page 222. He knows he looks stupid in the clothes because and says so Im wrong in these clothes. Im wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th meshes Im awfully dull, but I hope Ive beat out something nigh the rights of this at last The terrible thing is, is that Joe knows Pip looks down on him and is ashamed of him. He says You wont find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You wont find half as much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wish to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge winder He knows Pip looks down on him and is embarrassed about him, he feels sorry for Pip and blames it on himself. This is a very honourable thing to do and definitely makes us show respect for him. We see other characters from different pieces of literature placed in similar situations and act very differently and with less patience. For example Eddie Carbone in A View for the Bridge. When Pip becomes ill, due to a number of things: severe burning, a run-in with Orlick and Provis becoming captured, Joe comes to visit him and looks after him. Joe doesnt want to fall into embarrassing Pip again. Due to Pips earlier disrespect towards Joe, Joe is less easy with Pip. But, imperceptibly, though I held them fast, Joes hold upon them began to slacken; and whereas, I wondered at this at first, I soon began to understand that the cause of it was in me, and that the fault of it was all mine. Joe has regained his dignity so instead of getting emotionally close to Pip, he draws himself away from him as soon as he senses he is getting stronger. Joe, earlier on is obviously trying to impress Pip by learning to write and Pip starts crying because he sees the pride with which Joe has written the letter to him. Pip is very lucky to have an uncle like Joe because Joe is an excellent person. On the surface he seems to be foolish but underneath he is a pure and righteous man. He always forgives Pip for whatever injustice Pip does to him. In the balance, the reasons we should respect Joe Gargery far outweigh the reasons why we should treat him like a foolish character and one that is not worthy of our respect.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Engineering Plan :: essays research papers

Engineering Plan We plan to implement the basic multi-cycle processor design as shown in the textbook, as well as pipelining and â€Å"jump and link†. The toughest part of this design will be the datapath control, for which we will be using a FSM. The ALU will implement add, sub, and, or, sll, and slt functions – though a separate block is typically used for shift operations, we felt that putting sll and srl in the ALU would simplify our design. All other basic functions (lw, sw, lui, beq, bne, j) will be implemented as show in the textbook. The processor will have two main stages: load instructions into memory and execute instructions. Special instruction codes will be defined as â€Å"stall† and â€Å"stop execution† to work in conjunction with the FSM. The global reset will set all memory and registers to 0, and put the FSM in â€Å"load instructions mode†. We would like to use one memory module to store both instructions and data (with instructions starting at 0 and going up, and memory starting at the highest address and going down), however this design would present some addressing headaches so we will most likely use separate memory modules for instructions and data. The main part of the pipelining implementation will be the hazard detection unit. We plan to have this work independent of the datapath control FSM as so to simplify FSM design. The hazard detection unit will control muxes to drive register forwarding and will issue stall instructions directly to the instruction register when needed. â€Å"Jump and link† will make use of a specially designated register (most likely one of the upper registers, since those aren’t used in the provided test function). Muxes will be used to feed the PC+4 into the regfile and the regfile output into the PC register. The datapath control FSM will control these muxes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Historical Overview of Montessori Method

ALPNA KUMAR Section 1, Part 1, Lesson 1 August 8, 2012 Lesson 1: Historical Overview of Montessori Method Write a chronological overview (time line) of Maria Montessori’s life and work. Indicate the life events you feel were most significant in her development of the Montessori Method of education. Describe how Montessori developed her approach. Include the factors occurring at that time in the world that contributed to the method’s popular acceptance.Education being a necessary part of our lives, there has been several ways to teach a child and thus creating a teacher dominant learning. But, it was about a century ago when a revolutionary thought â€Å"teacher within† came to existence. It was the one woman who changed the world with her new innovative method of teaching and would break the stereotype in teaching method. This was Maria Montessori who developed Montessori Method of teaching with a firm belief in the motto â€Å"Within the child lies the fate of future†.Montessori Method focuses on the idea that children learn best when they are placed in an environment full of learning activities and given the freedom to work on their own. Montessori model believed that children at liberty to choose and act freely within an environment prepared accordingly would act spontaneously for optimal development. Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural  psychological  development, as well as technological advancements in society.Although a range of practices exists under the name â€Å"Montessori†, the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) and the American Montessori Society (AMS) cite these elements as essential [1, 2]: Mixed age classrooms, with classrooms for children aged 3 to 6 years old by far the most common, student choice of activity from within a prescribed range of options, a  Ã¢â‚¬Å"constructivism†Ã‚  or â€Å"di scovery† model, where students learn concepts from working with materials, rather than by direct instruction and specialized educational materials developed by Montessori and her collaborators.To understand Montessori Method it would be necessary to know how it came to existence and what the underlying principles behind this method are. Maria Tecla Artemesia Montessori was born on August 31, 1870, in Chiaravalle, Italy. Her father, Alessandro Montessori, 33 years old at the time, was an official of the Ministry of Finance working in the local state-run tobacco factory. Her mother, Renilde Stoppani, 25 years old, was well educated for the times and was probably related to Italian geologist and paleontologist  Antonio Stoppani.Her father did not believe that women should receive higher education. However, her mother, fully supported Maria in all her endeavors. Montessori's was educated as a doctor, but went on to start her own preschool. She believed children should not be tre ated as receptors of knowledge from the teacher, but instead should be leaders of their own learning. Her philosophy has been embraced in schools around the world [3]. Maria Montessori was always a little ahead of her time. At age thirteen, against the wishes of her father but with the support of her mother, she began to attend a boys' technical school.At that time schools had very few teaching supplies, like books and writing supplies. Children had to learn everything by memorization. Girls were taught skills like sewing or knitting, while only boys were encouraged to study math, science, and other technical subjects. Maria fought for her right to study math and science. She was supported whole-heartedly by her mother to continue studying these subjects, and her father grudgingly permitted her to do so. Maria originally intended to become an engineer, but her interests soon shifted to the field of medicine.Her desire to become a doctor was unprecedented for a woman in Italy at the time. Maria was allowed to attend medical school only after the intervention of the Pope. Because her attendance of classes with men in the presence of a naked body was deemed inappropriate, she was required to perform her dissections of cadavers alone. In addition to the isolation, she found she had another problem. She was repelled by the smell of the anatomy hall. When this became too complicated she tried smoking herself. Due to all these challenges, her interests turned to pediatrics and psychiatry.This would be the beginning of her lifelong work with children [4]. After graduating from the University of Rome in 1896, Montessori continued with her research at the University's psychiatric clinic, and in 1897 she was accepted as a voluntary assistant there. Maria opened her own medical clinic to treat children. In 1897, she became an assistant doctor at the psychiatric clinic of the University of Rome. She began visiting asylums for mentally challenged and handicapped children. M aria observed that the living conditions for these children were miserable.The patients were kept like prisoners in dark, bare rooms with nothing to stimulate them. She observed that it was not the medical problem but rather pedagogical one. It was this time when she came across the work of two French doctors Edward Seguin and Jean Itard’s experiments to educate defective children. Maria observed these children picking up crumbs off of the floor and playing with them. She realized that the children were using the crumbs as toys. Maria realized that these children needed a special school that would meet their needs.While working at the asylum, Maria was introduced to the methods and materials developed by Jean Itard and Edward Seguin, who had trained defective children years before. Later she would use a similar approach to work with normal children. Keeping a busy schedule, Maria had little outside social life. She became close friends with her colleague, Giuseppe Montesano w ith whom she had an illegitimate child. They never married, and in 1898 she gave birth to her son Mario. Fearing that news of her child would ruin her reputation and career, she felt forced to send him to the countryside and could not visit him very often.Deprived of being with her son, her desire to work with children increased. She designed new teaching materials like shapes to hold, laces to tie, beads to thread, and letters to feel. She believed that they learned better through their five senses first. Maria noticed that the children were interested in the letters, which they thought of as new toys. These children began to write letters with chalk on a board. She began to wonder if the teaching methods she used would work with typically developing kids [5]. In 1907 Maria started her own school, Casa dei Bambini, in the slums of the San Lorenzo district of Rome.A few bankers who were building cheap housing for the poor and homeless granted her a single room where she had to teach 50 impoverished children from the slums. Maria was asked to keep an eye on these children while their parents were. Maria kept observing and experimenting with these kids. She brought in light, child-sized furniture and tools for these children and taught them grace and hygiene. She had low open shelves and cabinets made for this classroom so that the children could choose and reach materials by themselves.Children were even given responsibilities like preparing and serving their own snacks and tidying up the classroom. Maria prided herself on the independence of her students. She wrote, â€Å"The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist. ’† Using the three-dimensional letters, the 4 and 5-year-old children from the slums were teaching themselves how to read and write. This was considered a miracle, because until that time, children were never taught to read or write before the age of six.Ma ny people began to flock to the Casa dei Bambini to witness the â€Å"miracle†. They could not believe that children from the slums had such grace and good manners, and were reading and writing at such an early age. These underprivileged children showed that they had the potential to become respectable citizens of Italy instead of thieves and criminals. Many people saw the children working and learning in harmony and realized that the Montessori Method of education had the ability to cure the social ills of society.Due to the success and popularity of the Montessori Method in Europe, other countries like China, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States by 1911 applied the Montessori Method eagerly to their educational systems. Montessori’s books were translated into 23 languages to meet the overwhelming international demand for her teaching method. Unfortunately, Maria Montessori was forced to leave Italy because she refused to support the Fascist regime of Mussolini. Upon the invitation of Mahatma Gandhi, Montessori travelled to India with her son in 1939 to train teachers.She stayed there for seven years. For her lifetime of commitment to the education of children, Maria was nominated for the Noble peace Prize in 1949, 1950 and 1951. After dedicating her life to the education of children, Maria Montessori died in Holland in 1952. Maria Montessori passed away over 50 years ago, but her legacy lives on to this day. Montessori’s revolutionary ideas about children and their instinctive desire to learn have transcended time. Montessori schools operate worldwide now, and even schools that do not label themselves â€Å"Montessori† are using some of her methods to teach children.If her methods are used correctly, every child can reach their potential to the fullest. As Montessori herself once said, â€Å"Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into the world†. Bibliography†¦.. [1]†AMI Sc hool Standards†. Association Montessori Internationale-USA (AMI-USA). [2]†Introduction to Montessori†. American Montessori Society (AMS). [3]http://www. biography. com/people/maria-montessori-9412528. [4]Kramer, R. – Maria Montessori: A Biography – New York: Putnam, 1976. [5]Barbara O'Connor, Sara Campitelli – Mammolina: A Story about Maria Montessori – Carolrhoda Books, 1993.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Current Issues in Law and HR Course Work Essay

Organizations are considered to be the most incentive, social arrangement of today. It’s considered a marvel to know that thousands of people with individual backgrounds, skills and interests are coordinated into various organizations, so that they can pursue their common institutionalized goals and objectives. The historians of the future see today’s organizations as the greatest achievement of our time and era. For example biogenetic engineering have had some breakthroughs. The Apollo mission to the moon was made possible by the organization called NASA. Even on day to day basis organizations play an important role in our lives. The water we drink to the food we eat or the clothes we wear all comes from different kinds of organizations Human resource is defined by many companies as a combination of the administrative functions with the performance of the company’s employees and their relations along with the company’s planning. Human resource basically develops mostly from industrial and organizational behaviour. The major function that are included in HRM are recruitment, selection, training and development, orientation, placement, separation, career planning, performance appraisal, salaries and wages, incentives and gain-sharing, benefits, services and security and employee relations and assessment. The term human resource basically refers to the people of the company. The manager of the company engages in HR because the HR activities and tasks are considered to be an important part of the company. It basically helps the company to achieve the goals and the objectives that are set for them by the management. As you all know that human resource activities also make a large contribution to the company’s success in many ways but the HR activities mostly support the strategies of the organization. The HR department basically exists to support the managers and the employees of the company and to pursue the company’s goal or objectives (Werther & Davis 1996). The major challenges that would be faced by the organization are as follows: – †¢ Population-growth challenges †¢ Global Competitive Challenges †¢ Unemployment Challenges †¢ Social Responsibility Challenges †¢ Medical, Food, Housing Challenges †¢ Unknown Challenges †¢ Ethical Challenges †¢ Workforce Diversity Challenges The objectives of the HR department are based on societal, organizational, functional and personal goals. It is known that the objectives of the company are not formally stated that is they are not in the written form. The objective of the human resource management not only reflects the intention of the middle and top management but also balances the challenges that are faced by the HR department. Objectives are basically considered as benchmarks against which the actions can be evaluated. The human resource objectives not only reflect the intention of the management but also balance the organizational challenges, the HR function and the people who are affected by it. If the company fails to succeed in its objectives it would harm the company’s profits, performance and even the survival of the firm. As we know that there are four objectives that are common to the HR management. The objectives are as follows: 1. Organizational Objective: which basically recognizes that the HR management exists and it contributes to the organizational effectiveness. The HR department basically exists so that it can help managers of the company to achieve the objectives and goals of the company. HR management only supports the managers with the human resource issues. If we put is simply the HR department only exist solely to help assist the rest of the company. 2. Functional Objective: which basically states that this objective solely exists to maintain the department’s input at a level that is considered relevant to company’s needs. A relation exists between the objectives and the HR activities and they are appraisal of the employee, placement and assessment of the employee. 3. Societal Objective: this objective shows that the company has to be ethically and socially responsive to the needs and challenges of the society while the company minimizes the negative impacts of such demands on the organization 4. Personal Objective: shows that the HR management helps assisting the employees in achieving their goals and objectives. And these goals enhance the individual’s contribution towards the organization. To achieve these goals the HR department help the managers of the company to obtain, maintain, utilize and retain the right amount and types of workers. The objectives of the employees must be met otherwise the employees would not be motivated, retained and maintained by the HR department of the company. And the employees would neglect their jobs, voice their complaints or maybe leave the organization for a better opportunity (Werther & Davis 1996). It is not necessary that all the organization can meet the HR objectives every time. Some sort of trade-offs do occur that stops the company in achieving the stated goals and objectives. When the objectives are net by the department, they make a huge contribution towards the organization’s and employees needs. And with the help of these objectives the managers are able to see the kinds of activities that are needed to be carried out and why. There is a relationship that exists between the objectives and the activities of the HR. For example, for the societal objective the supporting activities would be legal compliance, union and management relations and benefits of the employees. For the organizational objective the supporting activities would be HR planning, employee relations, selection, training and development, appraisal, placement and assessment. For functional objective the supporting activities would be performance appraisal, placement, assessment and development of the employees. And for personal objective the supporting activities would be training and development, performance appraisal, placement, assessment and compensation of the employees. The HR activities are considered as actions that are taken by the department to maintain a workforce balance that is considered as appropriate to the organization’s needs. For example, small companies who do have the HR department have small budgets and small staffs therefore the HR department of such companies only focus on the activities that they consider are important for the company. The functions or activities that are considered important for such companies would be planning, recruitment, and wages and salaries of the employees. The functions that are performed by the HR department of the organization are as follows: – Planning is the first activity that is conducted by the department. Planning can be defined as the systematic forecast that determines the company’s future and the demand and supply of the employees that would be needed by the organization. HR planning is also known as employees planning which helps the HR department and other managers of the company to develop staffing plans so that they would go along with the strategy of the company. it is important that the company is staffed with the right amount of people so that the strategic operational and functional goals of the company can be met. It has been realized by a lot companies that the HR plans are very important if the organization wants to have strategic success. For example, companies like Nokia and Apple it is important to have strategic plans because it would help the companies by developing new products and introducing them as quickly as possible in the market. It is only possible when the company is staffed with the right kind of people. Without the right people strategy based opportunities would be lost to a better staffed organization like Motorola and IBM (Werther & Davis 1996). Recruitment is one of the important activities of the HR department. Recruitment is mostly concerned with attracting and finding individuals who are capable for employment. The recruitment process begins s when the new recruits are sought and this process ends when the applicant submits and application. People who find new recruits are called recruiters. The process of hiring is faced with some limitations like costs, incentives, job requirements, policies of the company, environment conditions, insufficient and scarce resources and EEO legislation etc. Recruitment is done in two ways 1) internal channel which includes job posting program and departing employees 2) External channel which includes advertising, walk-in and write-ins, employee referrals, state employment agencies, open house, international recruiting, temporary help agencies and leased employees etc (Recruitment Process) Selection is one of the activities of the HR department. Selection is defined as a process that is based on specific steps that are used to describe that which individual should be hired. This process starts when the individual applies for the job and it ends when the final decision is made by the management of the company. the selection process is also faced with some limitations like EEO legislation, Workforce diversity and external prohibitions etc. ( The Selection Process). The selection process is based on eight steps and these steps are as follows:- †¢ Preliminary reception of applications †¢ Employment tests †¢ Selection interview †¢ Preference and background checks †¢ Medical tests †¢ Supervisory interview †¢ Realistic job preview †¢ Hiring decision Orientation, Placement and Separation is considered to be an activity of HRM. Orientation can be defined as when the new recruits are given an overview of the company on the first day of work. The orientation program of the company is based on the following goals 1) the pride of belonging to the company 2) creates awareness about the company’s business 3) emphasize on customer focus and service 4) helps to reduce the concerns that are related to the job 5) helps with development of a team member and 6) helps to establish personal growth etc. Placement can be defined as the work activities that are assigned to a new employee. The role of HR department here is that to advice the managers of the company about the rules and the regulations and it also provide counseling to the employees. Placement is based on 3 classes 1) promotion, transfer and demotion. Separation can be defined as a decision where the individual and the company must part. Separation process starts either the employer or the employee. The role of HR department is to find a method which is satisfactory for conducting a separation in such a way that it reduces the harmful factors that might affect the company. Training & Development is concerned with that placing the employees in a job does not give the company the surety that the individual would be successful in his or her job. Training and development programs are considered important for all the employees. The distinction between training and development is that training is for now and development is for the future. For example at Corning Glass there are a lot of learning opportunities that range from skilled orientation training to seminars that deal with development issues, they basically help the managers to face the issues that might arise in the future. The employees of the company are not bothered that the class is intended for training or development. It is only concerned with whether the program has helped the employees and the organization or not (Training and Development). Training and development are based on the following steps: – †¢ Need assessment †¢ Learning principles †¢ Program content †¢ Training and development objectives There are some challenges that are faced by HR department due to training and development. For example cost effectiveness, desired program content, learning principles and appropriateness of the facilities etc. The role of HR department over here is that it helps to prepare the individuals for future job responsibilities. And it also attempts stops the employees from obsolesce, work force diversity, technological changes, affirmation action and employee turnover etc. (Werther & Davis 1996) Career planning is one of the activities of the HRM. When the department is doing career planning it is mostly concerned with whether the company’s training and development programs has helped the employees with promotion chances or not. A couple of decades ago career planning was seen as an individual’s problem but now career planning is seen as the HR department’s problem. The HR managers and specialist see career planning as a way to meet the internal staffing needs. The involvement of the HR department in career planning is increasing everyday due to its benefits like low turnover, satisfies the needs of the employees, personal growth, helps with workforce diversity and decrease hoarding etc. Performance appraisal is one of the major activities of HRM. Performance appraisal can be defined as evaluating an employee’s current or past performances relative to his or her performance standard. In this competitive world companies require a high performance so that they can become dominant leaders in their perspective markets. And at the same time employees also need feedback on their performance so that it can act as a guide for their future behavior and responsibilities. There are some challenges that are faced by the HR department regarding the performance appraisal like legal constraints, rater’s biases regarding the employee based on halo effect or personal prejudice or even cross cultural biases etc. It has been vied been viewed by the experts that when there is poor performance throughout the company it creates huge problems with the human resource management activities(Grote &Grote 1996). Wages and Salaries are concerned with compensation. Compensation can be defined as something the employees receive in their return of their input to the organization. Without proper compensation the employees of the company would leave and it would be difficult for the company to hire new recruits. The result of pay dissatisfaction can harm the productivity of the company and can also harm the quality of work life as well. There are some challenges that affect the compensation plan like wage rates, union, constraints by the government and equal pay etc. ( Salary and Wages) Security, Safety and Health is considered a challenge for the HR experts that how to comply proactively with the minimum costs for the organization and to provide with the minimum of costs for the organization and to provide the greatest of benefits to its employees, whereas in the area of employee security and health companies have taken a proactive action. It is the role of the HR department to face the challenges that arise overtime. The HR is usually faced with 2 kinds of challenges: 1) Internal challenges which are also the organizational challenges. Internal challenges for example would include union, information systems, organizational conflicts between the company and the employees. 2) External challenges are those problems that exist due to the changing environment and the management has no control over it. Change in the company’s environment actually evolves at different kinds of rates. External challenges would include workforce diversity, technology, economics and government. The HR department has to follow 4 steps so that they can overcome the external challenges. They are as follows: – †¢ Monitor the environment †¢ Evaluate the impact of the challenges on the company †¢ Take proactive measures that is implement approaches that would help the company to achieve its goals †¢ Obtain and analyze the feedback. It is the role of the HR department to achieve a balance between the trade-offs of efficiency and effectiveness. For example when jobs are under specialized the job design may be simplified by decreasing the number of tasks and if the job is over specialized the number of job tasks can be enriched and expanded by the human resource department.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Become More of a Morning Person

How to Become More of a Morning Person You hear a lot, especially around the new year, about early birds getting worms and how important it is to start your day off right with all these morning rituals. But what if your morning ritual is sleeping as late as possible, then snapping at everyone in your path until your triple shot of coffee kicks in? Here are a few strategies to train yourself to be a morning person.Get enough sleep.This is the number one most important factor to waking up fresh: getting enough sleep. Try to normalize your sleep routine. Start going to bed religiously at a certain time that leaves you sufficient sleep before your desired wake-up time. Be consistent. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. If your desired schedule is really far from where you are now, start working back to it slowly, in 20 minute increments until you’re in the groove.Make waking up a gentle experience.Turn off that honking awful alarm and switch it to something more soothing and fun that makes you want to get out of bed. If you can,  leave your blinds open so you will get a flash of natural light to help jumpstart your body clock.Protect your time.Having enough time to do the things you need to do in a day and still take care of yourself can be difficult. Learn to say â€Å"no† to added activities and obligations. Slash an hour out of your day that’s just for you (to sleep!).Create your own rituals.Give yourself a bedtime ritual and follow it religiously. Turn off your electronics for at least an hour before turning in. Lay out your lunch and clothes and materials for the morning. Make your to-do list for the next day. Have a soothing cup of tea and get into a cozy robe. Make sure you have a nice sleeping area as well- new sheets never hurt at times like these!Reward yourself.Give yourself treats for accomplishing your early rise. Some ideas: set up all the elements to create your favorite breakfast, or save a podcast to listen to  while you’re in the shower. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.There’s no underestimating eating right and exercise in your new sleep pattern project. Exercise boosts energy- particularly when done in the early morning, and so does feeding your body the good things that it needs. Especially protein. You’ll be setting yourself up for all kinds of success- not just with your sleep schedule.Give yourself a reason.Keep your mind on why you’re trying to carve out this new habit. Eyes on the prize. Make it mean something to you and you’re more likely to stick with it.Try an app.If you need a little outside intervention, try an app like Better Me, or Sleep Cycle, or Wake n Shake.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Performing Shakespeare - Interview With Ben Crystal

Performing Shakespeare - Interview With Ben Crystal Ben Crystal is the author of Shakespeare on Toast (published by Icon Books), a new book that dispels the myth that Shakespeare is difficult. Here, he shares his thoughts about performing Shakespeare and reveals his top tips for first-time actors. Is performing Shakespeare difficult? Ben Crystal: Well, yes ... and so it should be! These plays are over 400 years old. They contain cultural gags and references that are completely obscure to us. But they’re also hard to perform because Shakespeare was so darned good at tapping into the human heart – so, as an actor you can’t allow yourself to hold back. If you can’t go to the depths of your soul, explore the extremes of yourself, go to the bad place as Othello or Macbeth, then you shouldn’t be on the stage. You have to think about the big speeches in Shakespeare as the most important things the character has ever said; they need to be spoken with your chest cut open, your heart bare, and with tremendous passion. You need to tear the words from the sky. If you don’t feel like you’ve run a marathon when you’re done, you’re not doing it right. It takes courage to open yourself up to an audience like that, letting them see your insides without desperately trying to show them – it takes practice. What’s your advice to someone performing Shakespeare for the first time? Ben Crystal: Don’t treat it lightly, but don’t treat it too seriously either. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but it’s similar to the notion of having to act truthfully in a big space, which many actors struggle with. It’s a tricky balance, and Shakespeare asks you to deal with these huge ideas and emotions which all too often lead you into â€Å"over-acting† – stay away from big gestures and over-the-top characterizations. A lot of what you need to know is on the page already. So it is tricky, and you have to work at it, but it’s also the best fun in the world. Enjoy it. Learn your lines so well you can go running or do the washing up while saying them. Only once they’re a deep part of you, can you start playing. A lot of people take Shakespeare’s plays far too seriously, and forget that important word: â€Å"play†. It’s a game, so enjoy it! You can’t â€Å"play† with your fellow actors if you’re trying to remember your lines. Has Shakespeare left clues to actors in the text? Ben Crystal: Yes, I think so. So does Peter Hall, Patrick Tucker, and a fair few others. Whether or not he actually did is always going to be up for debate. Going back to an original text like the First Folio will help. It’s the first collected edition of Shakespeare’s plays, edited by two of his leading actors. They would have wanted to create a book on how to perform their colleague’s plays, not how to read them - 80% of Elizabethans couldn’t read! So the First Folio is as close to Shakespeare’s intended scripts as we can possibly get. When modern editors of the plays are making a new edition, they go back to the First Folio and remove capitalized letters, change spellings and switch speeches between characters because they’re looking at the plays from a literary point of view, not a dramatic one. Bearing in mind that Shakespeare’s company would perform a new play every day, they simply wouldn’t have had much time to rehearse. Therefore, the theory goes that much of the stage direction is written into the text. Indeed, it is possible to work out where to stand, how fast to speak, and what your character’s state of mind is, all from the text. How important is it to understand iambic pentameter before performing? Ben Crystal: That depends on how much you respect the writer you’re working with. Most of Shakespeare’s plays are written in that particular rhythmical style, so to ignore it would be foolish. Iambic pentameter is the rhythm of our English language and of our bodies – a line of that poetry has the same rhythm as our heartbeat. A line of iambic pentameter fills the human lung perfectly, so it’s the rhythm of speech. One could say that it’s a very human sounding rhythm and Shakespeare used it to explore what it is to be human. On a slightly less abstract note, iambic pentameter is a line of poetry with ten syllables, and all the even-numbered syllables have a slightly stronger stress. That’s a direction by itself – the stronger stresses usually fall on the important words. So what about lines with less than ten syllables? Ben Crystal: Well, either Shakespeare couldn’t count and was an idiot - or he was a genius and knew what he was doing. When there are less than ten syllables in a line, he’s giving the actor room to think. If the meter changes at any point, it’s a direction from Shakespeare to his actors about the character they’re playing. It sounds quite complicated, but actually, once you know what you’re looking for, it’s incredibly straightforward. Shakespeare knew that his actors would have had this rhythm flowing through their veins, and so would his audience. If he broke the rhythm, they’d feel it. To not understand iambic pentameter as an actor is to not understand 80% of the style Shakespeare wrote in, and the same amount again of what makes his writing so terrific. Shakespeare on Toast by Ben Crystal is published by Icon Books.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Imposing Quality Models and Performance Management Tools to Help an Essay

Imposing Quality Models and Performance Management Tools to Help an Organization to Innovate - Essay Example Corporate of different sizes, whether engaged in giving any service or producing any specific type of product, should implement one of the given quality models like six sigma, total quality management and ISO 9000 etc. The standard implementation of quality models and performance management techniques can create damage on the company resource & time, since people usually show resilience in implementing them but quality management training and other awareness program can help a lot in changing wrong perceptions. The seven most basic quality management tools known to the world must be there in an organization, serving their intended purposes for improvement. The players in an organization must have some common quality values, they all must follow a structured scheme for doing any project, and all must focus on customer requirements and instincts. Customer requirements and company’s objectives must be clearly identified in an organization; the employees must work as a team with d ecision making based on consensus. There should be a healthy environment to use fish bone diagrams, control charts & Pareto analysis in order to analyze the root cause of any problem. There should be a common habit of using Gantt chart for managing projects, and the organization should be well aware of advance quality management techniques to improve via these where applicable. 2. Quality Models Contribution for Business Excellence There are varieties of quality & management models which can be used for achieving business excellence. A balanced scorecard is a way of determining of the company's routine in opposition to its goals. The elements of a balanced scorecard are enterprise procedures, monetary ins and outs, learning, development and customer happiness. Some merits of utilizing balanced scorecards are that all the statistics are in one place and the manager can observe how he/she is doing at a glimpse. In order to create a balanced scorecard, choose a center business practice . In combination with stakeholders, choose the objectives to follow. Manuscript the present routine and generate an intentional goal. On the scorecard, manuscript the plans executed to assist accomplishment of the goal. Every month, follow progress in the direction of the goal (Ramsey, 1990). Employees are a valuable quality improvement model. They have the acquaintance of the business and comprehend its internal mechanism. Employees are conscious of both in-house and outside quality matters practiced by consumers and co-workers. For procedures that originate unremitting issues, employees have typically made a "workaround" to avoid the trouble. To employ workers as a quality improvement tool, make a questionnaire about those procedures in their sections that generate the main impact. Empower the employees to resolve those troubles that can be simply solved. Give confidence to them to job jointly inside the department and transversely with other departments to apply solutions. Consum ers are essential in quality development. They can be utilized to implement the quality improvement program. Customers can be involved in quality improvement for an organization by conducting customer satisfaction surveys and asking consumers about their perception of the company's products and services, enquiring consumers how healthy the commodities carried out, and what they would get better

Thursday, October 31, 2019

There is an ongoing debate about the cost-benefit relationship of Essay

There is an ongoing debate about the cost-benefit relationship of internal controls and their ethical implications - Essay Example investigators cited that the bank lacked strict safeguards against clients laundering money, following a suspicion that illicit drug money was streaming through their internal account. The Regulations by the Federal Reserve require banks to install tight internal controls in order to detect any criminal involvements in their operations (Silver-Greenberg, 2013). This is because weak controls facilitate drug dealers and terrorists to launder money through the financial institutions. The ethical implication of Citigroup’s case is that it failed to observe the Federal’s rules of having complex control mechanisms. In this regard, money laundering might have occurred to sustain the drug traders. Banks need to ensure that they scrutinize their clients to determine the sources and the recipients of the huge sums of money. It is also evident that the management tried to manipulate its financial statements to hide transactions involving the drug dealers. The bank failed to show the money streamed through its Mexican branches into the US, which was an indication of weak controls. The Federal Reserve claims that the bank does not oversee its operations, which leads to funneling of money in support of sanctioned individuals and countries (Silver-Greenberg, 2013). The accounting ethical standards involve the reporting of accurate financial information without manipulations. This implies that organizations should not tamper with their accounting books to make them appear more profitable to the shareholders and investors. For instance, Citigroup had tampered with its records after the money laundering fraud in the backdrop of increasing dividends. Financial institutions need to observe the Bank Secrecy Act by removing tainted cash through recording of doubtful-activity reports (Silver-Greenberg, 2013). This implies that the Citigroup management failed to comply with the rules set by the Federal Reserve, which led to probing into its activities. In order to strengthen

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Qualitative Research Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Qualitative Research Approaches - Essay Example This in turn reduces the economic growth and is barriers to economic development since a huge proportion of the inhabitants do not give to the economy. Various measures have been taken to reduce homelessness among the HIV infected adults, but they are not effective since the measures taken do not consider the needs of those infected. The aim of this research is to find out the needs of homeless people living with HIV in order to develop sustainable strategies that will be effective in reducing level of homelessness among those infected with the virus. Ethnography is suitable for this research since the needs of the people living with HIV will be obtained on a first hand basis. Interview bias, common in researches dealing with HIV, will be avoided with this since the researcher will interact with the participants in their day to day activities hence get accurate information. In the current decade, an increasing number of illiterate adults are heading to school to get the basic education. According to the International Adult Literacy Survey (2002), some of the reasons for this are the increasing awareness on the importance of basic education and increase in empowerment programs that encourage illiterate adults to get education. However, going back to school at an older age has its challenges. Most of the adults in these programs have jobs to attend to and families to raise. This makes education one of the least of their priorities hence they do not learn as much as they should. The aim of this research is to study the experience adults go through in school. This will help adult literacy programs and planners come up with strategies that will ensure maximum information is learned by adult learners given that they have other responsibilities. Phenomenology is suitable for this research study since the researcher will understand the experiences of adult school

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Project Management Challenges In Construction Of Emirates Stadium Construction Essay

Project Management Challenges In Construction Of Emirates Stadium Construction Essay The PMI defines project management as the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources through the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve pre-determined goals of scope, cost, time, quality and participant satisfaction (Smith 2002) Through the project management process, business needs and requirements are transformed into deliverables or outputs the project will provide to meet; this transformation process is made up application of constraints such as time, cost, quality, motivation and application of project management tools and technique.(APM 2002) According to Dinsmore, and Cabanis-Brewin (2006), project management processes are grouped into the following areas: they are initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing. A good project manager must be skilled in applying this knowledge and be able to integrate these activities as the project moves through its life cycle. The aim of this report is to critically evaluate the project management challenges and the management approaches in the construction of Emirate Stadium described in the groups presentation. Some of the challenges identified in group discussions includes; time constraints, planning approval, design and site constraints, procurement path, organizational/stakeholders management..This report compares some of the identified challenges with the established best practice in project management. The second part of the report is develop guideline for the 2012 Olympic Stadium which will include an overview of the difference between managing a single, simple project and a project that is part of a large complex programme of work, also to outline the project management challenges of the 2012 Olympic Stadium. 2.0 The Emirates Stadium 2.1 Background of the Emirate Stadium complex The need to generate additional revenue from the football event and also to provide a state- of the- art facilities for the fans is identified as the requirement for a new football stadium to replace the existing one .by Arsenal Football Club The Emirate Stadium is located in Holloway in London Borough of Islington town. The stadium is located in a high density residential area therefore restricting feasibility of increase capacity. Over 2000 new homes were built in Islington as part of the project. Two of the key points in the club brief to design team were for the pitch to be as good as Highbury, and to create an exhilarating stadium atmosphere through the design. Over 2,500 legal documents were signed in order to give the project full clearance. The overall project put at about 390million pounds. . It was opened in July 2006, with seated capacity of 60,432 making it the fifth largest football stadium in the UK (Source www.arsenal .com/emirates stadium.) Fig 2.1 emirates stadium under construction Source www.arsenal .com/emirates stadium.) Main Project management challenges identified by different groups Based on the group presentations some of the main project management challenges identified include: Time constraints, Planning and consent approval, Design and site constraints, Procurement path, Organizational/stakeholders management Document control Some of the management approaches considered by the group include; Involving contractor in early stage of the process Design and Build contract Site investigation Collaborating planning and possible overlap during construction to meet deadline Several procurement path Involvement of the stakeholders Redesigning to suit the shape of the site Understanding of the scope of the project. Evaluation of project management challenges and approach in the group work 2.4.1. Involving contractor in early stage of the process. This can help in integrating the contractors idea and expertise in the planning and design process, although, Austin, Baldwin and Wasket (2000) identified that it might result in uneven design workload while they wait for consultant and other contractors to develop their own design, this result in the client paying for retainer while the project is yet to start, thereby increasing the cost of the project. Therefore it might be beneficial to delay the introduction of contractor early 2.4.2 Time constraints It can be seen that in the case of Emirate stadium, delivering the project on time is very crucial; to enable the club to meet up with football season, Harrison and Lock (2004) stated that delivery a project on time is an extremely important objective to client as well as avoiding the risk of being skimped in respect of quality and reliability of being close to the budget but most time all the objective of the project cannot be met. 2.4.3 Planning and consent approval. Two sets of people are involved in planning; they the client and the contractor .Obtaining the consent approval and satisfying planning requirement as well as defining the project goals, ensure availability of funds and selecting the design is the primary responsibility of the owner, this is one aspect that group presentations did not consider. On the side of the contractor, proper planning and scheduling contributed to their delivering the project on time. 2.4.4 Contract /procurement strategy The contract strategy used in the construction of Emirate Stadium is identified as Design and Build. The type of contract is assumed to be the best when time constraint is considered, Rowlison and McDermontt (1999) reported that Design and Build approach involving overlapping of design and construction phases leads to economics and fast project, though the client has to limit the variation to minimum , finds evaluation difficult and also have to make early decisions. However, Aritua, Bower and Turner (2006) reported that Design and Build procurement options has been criticized for being cost rather than design quality driven. Chan and Yu-Ann 2005 identified design liability as the most important practical problem encounters in design and build system. 2.5 Best practice in project management The best practices in project management are those practices that are generally agreed that their application in the project has shown to enhance the chances of success over a wide range of projects. (PMBOK, 2004) Atkinson (1999) queried, if successful project management means doing something right, that result in a project which was implemented on time, within cost and to a quality parameters requested, but which is not used by the customers, not liked by the sponsors and does not seem to provide either improved effectiveness or efficiency for the organization Kerzner (2006) affirmed that best practices in project management are those actions or activities undertaken by the company or individual that led to a sustained competitive advantage, it can be learned from both failure and success. Defining project objective at the outset and establishing relative importance of these objectives is crucial (Smith 2002). The Primary objectives of the project are usually measured in terms of time cost and quality, whilst it may be possible to meet one or two of the objectives, meeting all three of them is almost impossible. (Smith, 2002). However, the general knowledge, skills and processes described in general agreement documents of project management should not always be apply uniformly to all projects, the project manager and the team is responsible for determining the appropriate process and tailored it down to suit the specific project, because every project is unique on its own. (PMBOK, 2004) 3.0 The 2012 Olympic Stadium complex Fig .3.0 Olympic Stadium complex under construction 3.1 The background of the 2010 London Olympic Stadium. The 2010 London Olympic Stadium is located at the south of Olympic park Stratford, East London. The EDAW consortium working with Arup and Atkins was appointed by Olympic delivery Authority (ODA) to develop the master plan and the design of the Olympic Park, while the design of the Olympic venue or the Athletes Village was tendered separately. In 2007, The Olympic Delivery Authority Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the consortium known as Team Stadium to design and build the Olympic Stadium. The consortium is made up the designer, Hoks sport. Main contractor Sir Robert McAlphine, structural engineer Burro Happold, service engineer and landscape designer. The project was estimated at 498miliion pound. The stadium consists of a lower tier of 25000 permanent. Seats set into the landscape with an upper tier of 55000 temporary seats. The sunken bowl built into the ground will contain the field of play and lower permanent seating. However, facilities for athletes within the Stadium include changing rooms, medical support facilities and an 80m warm-up track. Spectator services, refreshments and merchandise outlets will be located outside the venue on a podium that will surround the Stadium, rather than being located within the Stadium itself. Constructions began three months ahead of schedule and it is expected to be completed by 2011. In addition, construction works in other parts of the Olympic village is still on-going, while some are close to completion, others are yet to start. This is based on the planned milestone schedule set out by the Olympic Delivery Authority., According to the chairman of the Olympic Delivery Authority, some completion date has been moved further, this is to avoid the venue been completed and standing idle in the years before Olympic, as this call for additional cost of maintenance. (Culled from official site of 2012 Olympic). 3.2. The outline of the Olympic Stadium People will be able to see with their own eyes a stadium which is designed to be different: an innovative and sustainable design which uses temporary elements to meet a complex brief, a stadium built for both Games and legacy.(Olympic Delivery Authority Chairman John Armitt). The design of London 2012 Olympic Stadium is much more than dazzling or out of this world Architectural structure that is norm of modern day Olympic stadium. The emphasis in the design has been on minimizing the quantity of material, whilst still producing the required performance, ensuring the sustainability of the stadium after the games give rise for incorporation of some temporary structures. However, design and construction of such large and complex project need effective and efficient management to deliver the agreed scope of the project. The management approach in multi-projects is generally different from single project. Flexibility management process with explicitly define rules and procedure can be a source of success with large complex project. (Dietrich and Lehtonen 2005). Baccarni (1996) defined project complexity as project that consists of varied interrelated parts and be operationalised in terms of differentiation and interdependency .On the hand Coffman believed that complex project comprises of subset of project that are composed of so many different facets that no individual or small team possesses all of the knowledge, experience, or skills required to design and implement them. Considering 2012 Olympic Stadium as a part of Olympic park which consists of interrelated and multidisciplinary projects that demand exceptional level of management and system approach which will be described to be inappropriate for a single project Looking at the technical and organizational complexity of the Olympic park, it is clear that it requires involvement of lots of multi-disciplinary contractors, sub contractors, supply chain, trade, different technology and specialties. Williams (1999) sees technical complexity as a three-fold concept: the variety of task as the degree of interdependencies within these tasks, and the instability of the assumptions upon which the Tasks are based. Complex project requires proper structuring and scheduling in terms of Work Break down Structure and further down into related bid package for the qualified construction firms .to bid .For effective organizational management, the services of a planner, scheduler, contract administrator, legal advis er, procurement engineer, accountant will be require in a complex project unlike a single project where all the task will be handle by the project management.. Moreover, managing a large, multi-projects environment or complex projects is refers by some author as programme management, Fern(1991), stated that the common theme of programme management can be identified as the co-ordination of projects to gain benefits that it would not be possible to obtain were the projects managed independently. He also defined programme management as the coordinated support, planning, prioritization and monitoring of projects to meet changing business needs. Pellegrinelli(1997) pointed out that programme management is not same as multi-project management, that the nature and practice of program management are much more than resource management though management of scares resources or the establishment of appropriate information system is identified as core elements of programme management. Fern (1991), proposed single objective programme model as one of the generic models to describe how organizations define and practice programme management. According to Fe rn (1991), programme with single objective are often called macro-project or simple project which consists of large numbers of project which run concurrently, often employ large numbers of contractors and can benefit from programme management techniques. Furthermore, the differences between managing a simple project and a project that is part of a large complex programme, can be identify in the description of project and program by Pellegrinelli(1997) and Fern (1991), which states that project is a group of related task(activities) which together satisfy one or more objectives, while programme is a frame work for grouping existing projects (or defining new projects) and for focusing all the activities required to achieve a set of major benefits. Some of features of managing a simple single project include project manager been responsible for directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives, while a large complex programme involves having a programme manager facilitates the interaction of other managers and team manager responsible for work package. In addition, a single simple project have a set objective and self dependent for delivery, which entails, ensuring that trade-offs between scope, quality, time and cost are satisfactory and acceptable(Wideman,1990), while multi-project is interrelated and interdependent with other project in the programme. Significant increase in the number and independence of element between disparate project within a programme raise structural complexity to a level higher than that of single projects (Blismas et al 2004) A single project has a linear life cycle and fixed duration in which performance of the project is measured; while in multi-project duration depends on the delivery of the entire project in the programme Single project involves one main contractor with few sub contractors while multi-project involves large number of contractor, sub contractors and supply chain. Other features of a single project includes managing risk and uncertainties in line with the project scope and objectives, abbreviated planning process and Single client management In addition, scheduling and resources allocated is more complex than that of a single project the need and priority of a particular project is considered, detailed communication, organization and strategic management, multi-stakeholders management, development of software for project planning/scheduling and system control. 3.3. GUIDELINES FOR 2012 OLYMPIC STADIUM The purpose of these guidelines is to help in organizing, planning and control 2012 Olympic Stadium to achieve the project objectives. The guideline covers the life cycle of the project from initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling and closure of the project. 3.3.1 Initiation This is the beginning of the planning phase, the need is identified, resources, preliminary drawing and block diagram is produce, analysis including budget estimation, project charter including cost, task, and deliverable schedule, scope is defined and impact assessment initiated, conceptual design created followed by detailed design and planning 3.3.2 Project planning This include developing management Plan, scope planning and definition, creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), activity definition and sequencing, Resource estimating and allocation, Estimating budget and cost control, activity duration estimating, schedule development, human resource and communication planning, risk management planning, contracting, purchases plan (PMBOK, 2004) Management Plan: is necessary for the development of preliminary project scope statement, project management processes, environmental factors and organizational process assets. (PMBOK, 2004) Scope planning and definition is essential for creating project scope management plan that documents how the project scope will be defined, verified and controlled and also the creation and definition of WBS. Secondly development of detailed scope statement as basis for future project decisions. (PMBOK, 2004) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Developing WBS with a corresponding project organizations and functional responsibility chart (Wideman,1990) Establishing the programme work breakdown structure and breaking it into work package for contract purposes. (Wideman,1990) Activity definition and sequencing is crucial in identifying specific activities that needs to be performed to achieve project deliverable and also identifying and documenting dependencies among schedule activities. It contains the activity list and attributes, milestone list, requested change and approved change requests project schedule network diagram. (PMBOK, 2004) Resource estimating and allocation is important in estimating the type and quantities of resources required by each work package Estimating budget and cost control: Each work package is treated essentially as a separate and autonomous effort requiring resources and input from variety of source (Clough et al, 2000).At the earliest possible time, an acceptable program budget breakdown must be established, which properly reflects the best estimate of the work required to achieve the overall project objectives. This will form the basis for regular cost monitoring and reporting (Wideman, 1990) Contracting, purchases plan: Laws and regulations will require public bidding procedure in the government owned project. Advertisements of the project are required to ensure that all contractors who might have interest are offered equal opportunity to bid. A number of work packages may be assembled into a contract package for procurement purposes(Wideman,1990) Type of contract strategy and procurement route to be use and allocation of risk of project is identified Human resource and communication planning: this is necessary in identifying and documenting roles and responsibilities and reporting relationships, secondly. Information and communication needs of the projects stakeholders are determined. (PMBOK, 2004) Risk management: The purpose of risk management process is to make effective project management decisions about what happens on the project in future. This consist of risk source identification, risk impact assessment and analysis and managerial response to risk in the context of the project (Smith, Merna, Jobling, 2006) 3.3.3 Execution stage This involves coordinating people and resources, integrating and performing other project activities. Some of the activities of this stage include Directing and managing project execution, performing quality assurance, acquiring and developing project team, information distribution. Selection of consultant, supply chain contractors and sub contractors. (PMBOK, 2004) Directing and managing project execution. This process is necessary for directing the various technical and organizational interfaces that exist in the project to execute the work defined in the project management plan. Some of the activities here consist of approving corrective and preventive actions, approving change request and defect repair, validating defect repair, administrative closure procedure. (PMBOK, 2004) Acquiring and developing project team: this is essential for obtaining human resources needed to deliver the project and also for improving the competencies and interaction of team members to enhance project performance. (PMBOK, 2004) Information distribution: design and foster intensive, open and timely communication within the project stakeholders. Employ multiple channels and mediums, in particular modern information technology and extensive face-to face interactions. Prepare systems that prescribe for most processes simple and brief procedures for flexibility of details. Restrict optimization to the essential. Selection of consultant, supply chain contractors and sub contractors. This process is essential for reviewing bids and proposal, selecting from among the potential contractors and negotiating a written contract, it also entail risk allocation between the client and the contractor. (PMBOK, 2004) 3.3.4 Monitoring and controlling This process is crucial for collecting, measuring and dissemination performance information, and assessing measurements and trends to effect process improvement Integration and ongoing progress is monitored against agreed milestones, results reported in accordance with mechanisms identified in the communication plan.Secondly monitoring changes and recommending preventive action in anticipation of possible problem is an important element of monitoring and controlling (PMBOK, 2004) 3.3.5 Health and safety and environment Maintenance of health and safety on the site is vital for a successful project delivery. Mandatory personal protective equipment for all the workers on site is necessary Also all the site machine and equipment should be working properly. Workers should be properly trained to use the equipments. 3.3.6 Project closure: this involves closing of project and contract closure. It is necessary for finalizing all activities, completing and settling each contract, including the resolution of any open items and closing each contract applicable to the project. (PMBOK, 2004 3.4 Outline of Project Management Challenges 2012 Olympic Stadium Some of the project management challenges: Design constraints: This involves getting an aesthetics design which depicts legacy of modern day and world class Olympics, as well as being iconic, environmentally friendly and sustainable in terms of future use and maintenance. Time constraints; Meeting deadline for the project for the Olympics events is very crucial and one is of the major indicator of measuring success or failure of the project. Site constraints The soil/site ground is poor from engineering and environmental viewpoint. Owing to past use of the site which resulted in uneven settlement that can only support very light construction. Site is located between two branches of River Lea an old embankment containing sewage artery. The above constraints call for redesigning to suit the site location and environment. Complexity of the project The multi-project nature of the project involves managing large numbers of subcontractors and supply chain. The construction of the stadium is just one component in the Olympic park, Resource allocation and scheduling Efficient allocation of resources in multi-project environment is a major challenge facing the programme manager, as this can lead to success or failure of the projects. Global recession and price inflation The world economic crisis of 2009 is a major challenge for the project, as this will cause price inflation for goods and services required for the project. The initial project estimate will no longer be feasible. Stakeholders management The project has different level of stakeholder. They include the financier, the host community, the supporters, the critics, the press and the general public. Project Co-ordination and document control.. The complexity of the project comprises large number of document which might have minor and major changes from the initial design that need to be communicated to people involve with the project. Logistics Challenges Transportation of huge numbers of workers and materials to the site using the existing means of transportation, amid the busy city of London. Health and Safety Maintaining safety in the site is a major challenge in construction site with large number of workers and ensuring that all contractors adhere to the health and safety rule in the site. 3.5 Conclusion ` The facts remains that projects are distinctive and unique in their own way. Project life-cycle as well as their requirements is different from each other. What worked for one organization in a particular project might not work for another; it all depends on the organizational culture and values, project environment, interpersonal skill, etc. The general guideline as contained in the Project Management Body of knowledge is only to serve as a guide that needs to be tailored down to suit a particular project. Also it can be seen that project management is more of a practical discipline than theoretical, this can be deduce from the uniqueness of every projects, because change is inherent in any project. There must be a change from the laid down planned and schedule strategy, change therefore cannot be eliminated, most especially in construction because of the project uncertainty, it is expected that plan must change. The ability of the project manager to apply the principles of risk management and improve effective change management will determine result of the project.